
Jigsaw Swap

This free service is now very popular. Jigsawa are available to swap on the lst Saturday of each month and the following Monday. Bring one and take a different one home.

Cinnamon Toast and Crumpets

Our Autumn Cinnamon Toast and Crumpets plus the traditional scones, cake and cream Teas will be served on Wednesdays 11th and 18th October 2017 from 3pm onwards. We look forward to seeing you there.

Harvest Thanksgiving

Our Harvest Thanksgiving will be on Sunday 8 October 2017 at 10.30 This will be a family sersice at which we will give thanks to God for his provision for our well-being. All are welcome to join us. We will be collecting tinned and dried food stuffs to be taken to St George's Crypt in Leeds.