
Christmas at the Baptist Church

Christmas Carol Services Our CArol services this year will be held on 17 December 2017. The Family Carol SErvices will be at 10.30am. Then in the aftternoon, we begin our Evening Carol Service by singing the traditonal carols in the garden from 4.30pm. Followign both services we will be serving seasonal refreshments. Christmas Eve Our family [...] Read more

Busy Bees Coffee Morning with extras

Coffee Morning with Extras It is that time of year again when we begin our prparations for Christmas. So why not come and join us at our Busy Bees Coffee Morning, 10am 25 November 2017 and take advantage of the opportunity to purchase some Christmas gifts, have coffee mince pie and a chat with old and new friends. WE look forward to seeing you [...] Read more

170th Church Anniversary

170th Church Anniversary 2017 Our special friend, Revd. Ernie Whalley will be leading our celebrations at 10.30am on Sunday 19 November 2017. All our welcome to join us.