
Gift Day Weekend 2015 Update

Gift Day 2015 - Netting a DuckGift Day 2015 - Cake Stall

The day was dull with intermittent drizzle.  Nevertheless, we set up our gazebos outside with ‘Net-a-duck’, ‘Chocolate Galore’ Dip and the ‘New 2 U’ books, CDs and DVDs stalls; the home made cakes, haberdashery, coffee and scones were served inside.    (Photographs: Vivien netting a duck; Margaret, Hilary and Jean on the cake stall)

The weather didn’t deter our visitors, and before long all the cakes were gone and the children amongst us had cleared the table of prizes netting a duck.  We really enjoy the preparation for the day and we were so pleased to see so many old and new friends on the day.